Getting Ahead
Tired of just getting by? Looking to get ahead? Join the Getting Ahead Program!
Getting Ahead helps individuals experiencing poverty build their resources and support for a more stable life. The program is held one session per week for 3 hours over the course of 18 weeks. A trained facilitator guides the workshop consisting of 8-12 individuals. During the workshops, participants (called Investigators) will investigate the impact that poverty has had on their lives and our community. The program is based on the “Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World” workbook by Philip Devol. Getting Ahead is an internationally recognized anti-poverty program that more than 100,000 adults have participated in. Getting Ahead not only supports participants in working towards their “future story,” but explores how all economic classes must work together to make the community a place where everyone can live well.
Participants Receive:
A free meal every session attended.
$25 Kwik Trip gift card every session attended. ($450 over the course of the program!)
A backpack with workshop supplies.
The Getting Ahead team for resource connections.
Childcare and transportation assistance offered as needed.
Graduation event upon completion of the program!
Must be 18 or older.
Experiencing poverty and/or struggling to afford basic needs.
Commitment to attend all 18 sessions.
Marathon County resident.
Learn more about these free workshops!
Use the resources below to learn more about the program and help determine if the Getting Ahead Workshop should be your next step!
Change your life! Begin your future story now.
To sign up for the program, complete the Getting Ahead Application, call 715-298-3028 Ext. 3, or email gettingahead@svdpwausau.org
Staying Ahead
After completing the program, graduates of Getting Ahead are invited to continue meeting on a monthly basis to work on their SMART plan, receive support from their peers, and learn about community resources that will support their future stories. Graduates of Getting Ahead will be prepared to be an advocate for change in the community.
Continue the Getting Ahead experience!
Volunteer Opportunities
Getting Ahead is recruiting workshop facilitators! Please complete a volunteer application or give us a call at 715-298-3028 Ext. 3 to learn more.
Donations of Group
Meals Needed
Are you interested in sponsoring a weekly meal for our Getting Ahead program either through a monetary gift or by delivering food? Contact Getting Ahead staff at
715-298-3028 Ext. 3 to learn more!