Request For Assistance

The Home Visit Experience

  • Our home visitors come in pairs, maintaining the dignity and confidentiality of who we serve.

  • This is a relaxed interview, just people talking to each other and sharing life experiences.

  • Distractions, like loud tv may be requested to be off to help reduce interference and help our Visitors focus on you and your needs.

  • Home visit interviews are concluded with a prayer to your benefit. You are warmly encouraged to participate, no matter your race, creed, or profession of faith.

  • We will ask you to sign some confidentiality paperwork if there is a third party we may need to contact on your behalf.

  • Help with your particular need is at the discretion of your volunteers, they will be getting back to you with their decision in a timely manner.

How Do We Help?

St. Vincent DePaul Cabrini Conference offers a wide variety of services to help our struggling neighbors in Marathon County.  Through our home visit process, we meet person-to-person ready to listen, build trust, understand and support those who ask for our help. We provide rent and utility assistance, transportation resources, basic household items (including furniture), food and clothing. Additionally, we may be able to connect our neighbor to other agencies who will collaborate with us.  We are available to all regardless of gender, race, creed or ethnicity.


What sort of assistance does St. Vincent de Paul provide?

  • Assistance is provided through our unique home visit process where two of our Vincentian Volunteers will meet with you and discuss assistance opportunities. Please discuss your needs with these volunteers during your visit. St. Vincent’s does not, however, provide security deposits.

Why must I receive a Home Visit to receive assistance?

  • The Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s mission is to meet people in need on a personal level. Home Visits are meant to create a connection, show respect, and listen intently to the needs of those in need.

What if I am unhoused or do not have a permanent residence?

  • St. Vincent’s understands that this may be a barrier. Home Visitors can make alternative arrangements for your visit.

If my household has previously received assistance from St. Vincent’s Wausau, is additional assistance provided?

  • Assistance is generally limited to once in a 12 month period of time to maximize assistance to as many of those in need as possible.

How soon will I receive assistance?

  • Requests for assistance are very high and our process to prepare and provide assistance takes several weeks.

How will I hear about my assistance request?

  • Volunteer Vincentians typically call from private or restricted numbers so please answer calls to ensure connecting to receive assistance.

We have an arrangement with the Marshfield St. Vincent de Paul so if you reside in Stratford, please click here

Request a Home Visit and Receive Help

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How Can We Help?

Submit the request form below

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Give Us A Call

Call our Mission office at
715-298-3028 Ext. 2
Office hours are 10 am to 3 pm M-F

Please allow 24-48 hours for a CONFIRMATION that your request was received.

We make no distinction in whom we serve.

A tired single mother holding utility bills calls St. Vincent de Paul to request a home visit.

Need additional help getting ahead?

SVDP Cabrini Conference also offers a 16-20 week systemic change program that helps individuals understand how to “Get Ahead” in today’s world.